I am trying to use esri/request
to pull in some data from an API. I am have two weird problems. First, when I try to run this, it doesn't complete and throws the following error in the browser console: "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'trim' of undefined". I am not using trim()
anywhere and am not sure why this error is being thrown (specifically on the line where I make my esriRequest
). Second, if I try to test this in the browser by pasting in the function to the console, it says that esriRequest
is not defined. I have checked the order of my required
list and functions several times and they look like they are in the proper order. Am I missing something here?
"dojo/domReady!"], function(
all) {
var url = "https://earthquake.usgs.gov/ws/designmaps/asce7-16.json?latitude=18&longitude=-66&riskCategory=I&siteClass=D&title=Default";
esriRequest(url, {
responseType: "json"
// The requested data
var seis_data = response.data;
Solved! Go to Solution.
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You seem to be mixed 4.x and 3.x code... Which are you using? Your tag says 4.1 but you have a require for "esri/map" which is 3.x in 4.x it is "esri/Map", also there is no "esri/basemaps" in 4.x, etc, etc.
Sorry, I am refactoring some of this code from another application. I believe it is 3x not 4.1. Could this be part of the problem? The map displays properly when I remove the esriRequest call at the bottom, but I am wondering if some of the other libraries/modules I am using are causing the issue. I tried moving esri/request and esriRequest to the top, but it didn't seem to make a difference.
Yes the issue is the esriRequest. The code format you are using is for 4.x and will not work in 3.x.
in 3.x it looks like this:
var layersRequest = esriRequest({
url: "https://earthquake.usgs.gov/ws/designmaps/asce7-16.json",
content: { "latitude": 18, "longitude": -66, "riskCategory": "I", "siteClass": "D", title="Default"},
handleAs: "json",
callbackParamName: "callback"
function(response) {
var seis_data = response.response.data;
console.log("Success: ", response.response.data);
}, function(error) {
console.log("Error: ", error.message);
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OK, that seemed to resolve the initial issue! Thanks so much Robert. Follow up question though; I am now getting the old "Cross-Origin Read Blocking (CORB) blocked cross-origin response ...<url> ... with MIME type application/json" error. From looking at a few related post, it seems this is cause by the server sending back a jsonp response or something? Is there an easy way to resolve this inside the code?
Sure. Just add:
) {
// Use CORS
esriConfig.defaults.io.corsEnabledServers.push("earthquake.usgs.gov"); // supports CORS
Ugh, OK, it is actually not working. I resolved the CORS issue but now I am seeing that `layerRequest` is not defined! Assuming I am going to continue with 3.x, is there something I need to change in my require calls and corresponding functions?
So it sounds like when you added "esri/config" you got your requires and subsequent parameters out of order.
OK, fixed it (I think). When I launched it this time, I got `Success: {pgauh: 0.383, pgad: 1798.2, pga: 0.383, fpga: 1.217, pgam: 0.466, …}` showing in the console. So I get an Object. But if I try typing `console.log(layersRequest)' in the console, it's still saying its not defined. I don't get it! What I want to do now is pull out the value for s1 from the object into a variable that I will later display in the dom in a table. I thought I could test this out in my console first; not sure what's wrong.