Why are my graphics not displayed after layer.show()?

05-09-2015 01:27 PM
New Contributor II


I'm finding this weird.

I have a couple of feature services which I initialise as hidden, then I add them to the map.

var layer = new FeatureLayer(url, {
     mode: FeatureLayer.MODE_SELECTION,
     outFields: ["*"],
     visible: false

After adding them to the map, I do a query.

When a click event is handled, I'd like to set these layers visible, so I do layer.show();

Before the layer.show(), there are 2 graphics in this layer. But after the layer.show() the graphics are gone.

This is my console log for testing purposes:

Before layer.show(), layer: Object {url: "REMOVED ON PURPOSE", _url: Object, spatialReference: Object, initialExtent: Object, _div: Object…}
Before layer.show(), Graphics: [Object, Object]
Before layer.show(), is layer visible: false
Before layer.show(), layer: Object {url: "REMOVED ON PURPOSE", _url: Object, spatialReference: Object, initialExtent: Object, _div: Object…}
After layer.show(), Graphics: []
After layer.show(), is layer visible: true

What is happening here??

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3 Replies
New Contributor III

If you can share the code , we can try to figure out whats going wrong...

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New Contributor II
var redliningLayer = new FeatureLayer(url, {
                    id: getLayerName(index),
                    mode: FeatureLayer.MODE_SELECTION,
                    outFields: ["*"],
                    visible: false

redliningLayer.selectFeatures(queryByMeldingId, FeatureLayer.SELECTION_NEW,
                    function (selection) {
                        // create text symbol for these graphics
                    }, function (error) {
                        console.error("redlining.Points.selectFeatures failed with error: " + error);


It's pretty straightforward.

This is a big solution, so I can't share all code.

But how come the graphics are available before the .show() and are removed after the .show()?

I'm using arcgis javascript api 3.13 b.t.w.

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by Anonymous User
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You might try moving the 'show()' function inside of the query callback. If the query finishes after show() is called it could be doing something strange.

In addition sometimes I try using setVisibility() if show() isn't working.

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