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Where can I find the source code for the TOC tab

01-03-2013 09:59 AM
Occasional Contributor III
Hi all

Where can I find the source code for the TOC tab for this sample:

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6 Replies
Occasional Contributor III
Hi all

Where can I find the source code for the TOC tab for this sample:


Is this it? It looks like that is a rel linked page of code?

I think it references it as worldgroupedCheckboxTree in the <body>. I am just starting out web design, new at HTML and javascript, and so maybe I got this right? If so I hope this helped, and if not sorry, I'm new!! It's funny, I posted the exact same thing a bit earlier. I also want to have a nice tree-displaying Table of Contents tab for the website I am making. So thank you jsn!
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Occasional Contributor III
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Occasional Contributor III
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Occasional Contributor
there is a  Widget here:

This widget is recommended. I am using it in an app that we are designing currently for internal requirements (or i would give you  a link to check how it works )but the link provided by jsn should get anyone going with a well presented common TOC. Awsome work from the developer.

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Occasional Contributor III
This widget is recommended. I am using it in an app that we are designing currently for internal requirements (or i would give you  a link to check how it works )but the link provided by jsn should get anyone going with a well presented common TOC. Awsome work from the developer.


Thanks jsn for providing the link. I'm going to attempt to integrate this TOC/Legend above as well.

Creating a map with several groups of layers that each have over ten sublayers, needs a hierarchical layer menu, e.g. a TOC like ArcMap itself. Combining a TOC and Legend in this case just make sense.
It would be great if ESRI would incorporate this widget into the Basic Viewer sample javascript viewer. However for now I will integrate the widget above.
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Esteemed Contributor

Did you get this TOC widget to work properly in your Javascript web app?
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