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When using view 2D from 3D, the renderer cannot refresh the view when modifying in 3D view

11-15-2023 12:35 AM
Emerging Contributor

When I use this After the demo, I added many GeoJSONLayer layers to the 3D view, but after modifying the 3D renderer, the 3D view did not update in real time. When I switched from 3D to 2D, the modified renderer view was refreshed after switching back, and the 2D modified renderer can be refreshed in real time


      const is3D = this.appConfig.activeView.type === '3d'
      const activeViewpoint = this.appConfig.activeView.viewpoint.clone()
      this.appConfig.activeView.container = null
      if (is3D) {
        this.appConfig.mapView.viewpoint = activeViewpoint
        this.appConfig.mapView.container = this.appConfig.container
        this.appConfig.activeView = this.appConfig.mapView
        window._editScene = this.appConfig.mapView
      } else {
        this.appConfig.sceneView.viewpoint = activeViewpoint
        this.appConfig.sceneView.container = this.appConfig.container
        this.appConfig.activeView = this.appConfig.sceneView
        window._editScene = this.appConfig.sceneView
let dataLayer =
dataLayer.renderer.symbol.width = 5
It's just a snippet of my Vue code. I will save the view to the window and search for the layer ID on other pages, and then modify the renderer inside. This method can be used to modify 2D views
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