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Visual Studio and javascript html5 development

05-16-2012 06:19 AM
Frequent Contributor
Hi all

do you use Visual Studio to develop ArcGIS Javascript applications?

any IDE you recommend?
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4 Replies
Honored Contributor
any IDE you recommend?

I don't use VS, but I find Espresso great on a Mac, and Free JavaScript Editor useful on a PC.

Neither offers the same level of functionality as VS, to my knowledge.

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Emerging Contributor
I don't use VS, but I find Espresso great on a Mac, and Free JavaScript Editor useful on a PC.

Neither offers the same level of functionality as VS, to my knowledge.


how can I add the support for dojo and JS in general in VS?

Thank you very much.
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Occasional Contributor
If you are looking for features like "intellisense" try Aptana Studio. ESRI provides intellisense addon for their js api @

Otherwise use your favorite text editor + firebug/chrome developer tools

I may a little biased but I've found Visual Studio good for writing .NET apps and crap for everything else.
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Deactivated User
To add support for JS I think you want JLINT

Here's ESRI's suggestions
JSLint is a code quality tool that scans your code to identify potential issues such as missing semicolons, trailing commas, implied globals, unreachable code, HTML issues, and more. JSLint can save you debugging time by quickly finding things like trailing commas, which work just fine in Firefox but fail in Internet Explorer.

Instructions for installing the add-in for Visual Studio or Visual Web Developer can be found in this blog post. After installing the add-in, you can open the jslint.wsf file in a text editor and explore the various options set in the defaults section. Review the JSLint documentation for details on each option.

I've found that JavaScript Parser is fairly sweet:

A ide for dojo I've heard of is Jetbrains but I've never used it

If you ask the ESRI JS Team they all use different ide's and text editors so I think it comes down to preference - things like MacVim/gVim and Notepad++

I like Aptana Studio - I would go with Aptana 2 and not 3 because 2 has the ESRI JavaScript API code assist plug-in available on the ArcGIS Resource Center, which is nice.
Once again that discussion and information is here -

If you want to stick with VS and you are looking for more DOJO support I would search SitePen's site and

Here's a quick blog not really exactly what you are looking for but I didn't spend much time on SItePen or Dojotoolkit

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