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Using the ArcGIS JS SDK, all calls I make to an Image Server Identify yield "Right side of assignment cannot be destructured" error

New Member

I am trying to query an ArcGIS ImageServer (specifically Sentinel2) using the `ImageryLayer.identify()` function. Every combination of parameters I've used leads to "TypeError: Right side of assignment cannot be destructured". I found a StackOverflow thread about that error message.

Example code 1




const url = '';
const imageryLayer = new ImageryLayer({
const identity = await imageryLayer.identify({
// Every combination of parameters, including none at all, leads to the same error.
   geometry: geometry: new Point({
      x: 0,
      y: 0,
      spatialReference: new SpatialReference({ wkid: 3857 }),
   returnCatalogItems: false,
   returnGeometry: false,
   returnPixelValues: true,




This only happens when I create the `imageryLayer` from a URL, but not from an item ID. Doing that leads to a different error, but still independent of the parameters I use.

Example code 2




const imageryLayer = new ImageryLayer({
   id: 'ITEM_ID_HERE',
// Keep everything else the same.
// This leads to the following error: `JSON Parse error: Unrecognized token '<'.`




 This leads to the following error: "JSON Parse error: Unrecognized token '<'.


I also created a question on StackOverflow for this.

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