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Use the PopUp Widget with Feature Layer

12-02-2024 02:43 PM
Frequent Contributor

Hi - I'm using Javascript Maps SDK 4.31 with Angular and Angular Material.  I have a pop-up with a lot of content and the vertical scroll bar does not appear with the popUpTemplate I've been using.  It looks like Angular or Angular Material is preventing the scrollbar from appearing.  I noticed that the pop Up widget has an option for docking the pop-up which makes the pop up window bigger and would pretty much solve my issue.  The problem I'm having is getting the popUp widget to work with my feature layer.  Below is my code.  I was hoping that the popUp widget would accept the field content and format and content from the popUpTemplate, but the two dont seem to be working together.  The popUp appears at the point where clicked, not docked to the right. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong here?  





ngOnInit(): void {
    var a = this;
    config.assetsPath = 'assets/'; = new Map({
      basemap: 'topo-vector'
    a.view = new MapView({
      container: this.viewNode.nativeElement,
      center: [-117.45, 33.87],
      zoom: 10,
    a.view.when(function () {
      //configure popup
      a.view.popup = new PopUp();
      a.view.popup.dockEnabled = true;
      a.view.popup.dockOptions = {position: "top-right"};
const popUpTemplate = new PopupTemplate({
        title: "{Permittee}",
        content: [{ 
          type: "fields",
          fieldInfos: [
            label: "Address:",
            fieldName: "StreetAddress",
            visible: true
 var featureLayer = new FeatureLayer({
        outFields: ["*"],
        popupTemplate: popUpTemplate


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