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Twitter API 1.1 OAuth  for geolocated tweets

02-26-2014 01:00 AM
Occasional Contributor
Hi guys,
I am customizing a story map (MapTour Template ) adding a functionality to search geolocated Tweets from the public stream, but new Twitter API require authentication.
I created an account and registered my app to obtain keys and tokens but I always get error 403.

Here is my code for auth

function oAuth(kwArgs) {
 var CONSUMER_KEY = "xxxxxxxxxxx";
 var CONSUMER_SECRET = "xxxxxxxxxx";
 var token = "xxxxxxxxxx";
        var tokenSecret = "xxxxxxxxxx";
 var access = {
     consumer: {
                 key: CONSUMER_KEY,
                 secret: CONSUMER_SECRET
             user: {
                 key: token,
                 secret: tokenSecret

     sig_method: "HMAC-SHA1"

 kwArgs.headers= { 
                      'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
 // our request will be made with the HTTP GET verb
 return OAuth.sign("GET", kwArgs, access);

and here is the code where I request tweets
function searchTwitter() {

 var query = dojo.byId("twitter_input").value;
 var geocode = "42.37355,12.88290,1000km";

 try {

  var results = esri.request(oAuth({
   dataType : 'jsonp',
   url : "",
   content : {
    q : query,
    geocode : geocode,
    count : "100",
    include_entities : "false",
    result_type : "recent",
   callbackParamName : "callback",

 } catch (e) {

Somebody help, please!
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1 Reply
Esri Contributor
Did you verify that the oAuth headers are being sent in the request?

I wouldn't put the keys in JavaScript since they could easily be discovered. You should put them on a server side script like PHP so they are not exposed.
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