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Topographic vector tile basemap not printing using geoprocessing print service

03-18-2024 12:48 PM
Emerging Contributor

Hello All, I have published a geoprocessing print service using ArcGIS pro on our on premise GIS server. The print service is being called from one of the web application using javascript api as below

let inputParameters: {
Web_Map_as_JSON: string;
Format: string;
Layout_Template: string;
Output_File: string;
} = { Web_Map_as_JSON: jsonstring, Layout_Template: layout, Format: "PDF", Output_File: "TOPO" };

geoProcessor.execute(printURL, inputParameters)

printURL is the url of the print service and jsonstring is generated using the format mentioned here .

I am successfully able to generate pdf when my basemap is as below in the 

 "baseMap": {
        "title": "Topo_Map",
        "baseMapLayers": [
but , the print service generates a blank pdf when I try to use the Vector tile Topographic basemap and my basemap configuration as per the export webmapspecification looks like below
"baseMapLayers": [ { "id": "VectorTile_1933", "type": "VectorTileLayer", "layerType": "VectorTileLayer", "title": "World_Basemap", "styleUrl": "", "visibility": true, "opacity": 1 } ]
any help on this is much appreciated.
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