I wanted to build an example app using ReactJS and JS API 4.x with ES Modules.
I followed few examples provided by ESRI as below,
1. https://github.com/odoe/jsapi-react-template
2. https://github.com/Esri/nearby-javascript
3. https://github.com/odoe/esrijs4-vm-react
4. https://github.com/Esri/react-arcgis
But I'm not able to get it, coz each one is following different approaches.
Even I tried by requesting a case with ESRI technical team, but I didn't received a proper solution.
So, can I get any exmaple source so that I can get clear knowledge How to add the Map and a FeatureLayer with ES Modules using React core and Reacthooks.
Valgen Map
Hello @Valgenmap ! Have you seen this sample? It is the best and most recent one for working with the API's ES modules & React.
ESM samples / jsapi-create-react-app
Hi @JuliePowell ,
Yes, I had gone through with the sample provided by ESRI. But in that sample they are adding the map and layer through the portal id, so I didn't mention that in my first comment.
I need help to get an idea in How to add the Map and FeatureLayer with ES Modules using React core and Reacthooks.
Hi Valgenmap, this should be a question to the ArcGIS API for JavaScript Community
But you can achieve this by using esri-loader module
import { loadModules } from 'esri-loader';
const initMap = () => {
.then(([Map, MapView]) => {
const map = new Map({
basemap: 'streets-night-vector',
const view = new MapView({
container: "viewDiv",
center: [-82.515401, 40.771119],
zoom: 10,