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Slow processing time when Querying objectIds

05-28-2015 01:02 PM
New Contributor III

Hi guys. I'm performing a query based on a set number of objectids but the processing time of the query takes really long to complete. It varies between 30seconds - 60seconds. I've tried two approaches, using objectIds in a where clause ("OBJECTID IN (1,2,3....)") and passing an array to the query.objectIds parameter. Can someone please help me understand as to why this takes so process and what can i do to improve this processing time@? The reason i need to search by objectIds is because i'm reading from a feature layer which has more than 1000 records, so i obviously need to perform queries on each batch and then use the results elsewhere.



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My experience with querying lots of objectIds is the same as yours...slow, if not fail or timeout.

The easiest solution is to increase the max records of the service if able.

AGS 10.3 has pagination which would be slightly less easy but still pretty easy. ArcGIS REST API