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Sketch Widget 'visibleElements': no way to hide the first selection tool

01-07-2021 08:42 AM
Regular Contributor

In the Sketch widget you can use the visibleElements property to hide certain tools. In the type definition section of the documentation it shows "lasso-selection" and "rectangle-selection" under 'selectionTools' but it does not list the first selection tool (left-most on the toolbar, the simple selection one). Is there any way to hide this tool as well?

Basically I only want some of the createTools to appear. Users of my application do not need to update graphics created with the sketch tool, in fact my application automatically removes the graphics after they are created. I am just using the sketch to get geometries for queries on a separate FeatureLayer.



            const sketchWidget = new Sketch({
                layer: sketchLayer,
                view: view,
                creationMode: "single",
                visibleElements: {
                    createTools: {
                        point: false,
                        polyline: false, 
                        circle: false
                    selectionTools: {
                        "lasso-selection": false,
                        "rectangle-selection": false,
                    undoRedoMenu: false



5 Replies
MVP Emeritus


There is no option that. But you can hide it using css


      .esri-icon-cursor {
        display: none;
        padding: 0;
        margin: 0;


Regular Contributor

Thanks Robert, I'll keep that in mind.  I usually prefer not to override ESRI CSS rules like that.

MVP Regular Contributor

I just made my own sketch toolbar, similar to this sample.

Regular Contributor

Thanks for the sample, I may end up doing this so that I can add some additional options.

MVP Regular Contributor

It works pretty well. I integrated a buffer option into my sketch toolbar.CustomSketchToolbar.png