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Show dynamically selected polygons editable when click on map and save all of them

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03-12-2020 06:08 AM
Frequent Contributor

Currently, I am showing dynamic polygon on click of map by getting its lat long but  i  also want to show them editable.

Query: do reshape stop method get geometry of all polygons appeared dynamically or is their any other way to store ring coordinates of all dynamically appeared polygons.

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12 Replies
MVP Emeritus


   No. See the documentation (it really helps to read it when you have a issue).

reshapeThis tool allows the entire graphic or individual vertices of the graphic to be moved. Vertices can be added or removed. This tool can only be used with a single graphic that has a polygon or polyline geometry.

How does that make sense to have more then one polygon editable in reshape mode?

Frequent Contributor

Then how can i work with multiple editable polygons or graphics. Is their any other editing option in arcgis 4.14 for polygons , i just want to make everthing editable everytime

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MVP Emeritus


   If all graphics are added to the same GraphicsLayer that the SketchViewModel is constructed with then all graphics will be editable after they are clicked. If for some reason you are saying that after your app starts and you have set in your code to have a particular graphic editing in reshape mode then you click on a different graphic and it does does not un-select the current one and move editing to the newly clicked graphic then you are having an issue.