Here's the Geoform that I tried to author with ArcGIS Online using the feature layer and Xform created with Survey123ConnectBeta software.
My issue:
Fields of the "select_multiple" type are reverted to"text" fields in my ArcGIS Online Geoform.
The "select menu" option is not applicable to these fields. I suspect ArcGIS Online may not have the capabilities to host those field types as yet but are there any workarounds since the Survey123Connect sruveys can't be shared publicly yet?
This is currently only a feature of the smart forms available in Survey123, not GeoForms.
- Hananh
Arlan.Henry, If you use SubTypes and domains in your Geodatabase before publishing the service, GeoForm recognises the drop downs.
Thank you a.hirschi-wyssesri-rw-esridist.