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Secured feature service not editable after proxy configuration

09-11-2015 09:27 AM
Occasional Contributor


I have configured proxy on server so that secured services could be accessible without authentication

The proxy is working well I can see secured map services on my JavaScript API applications. Feature services are visible but they are not editable after installing the proxy.

I have used the template picker widget and I am able to select the layer in the template picker. However when I click on the map to add a point it doesn't work.

I thought it was because I had  editor tracking enabled (what doesn't seem to make sense when you use the proxy). However, even after disabling the editor tracking and  publishing the feature service again, it is not editable.

All applications were developed with the JavaScript API.

Has anyone run into the same problem? I appreciate any suggestion on this

Thank you very much


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3 Replies
Occasional Contributor

PS. All applications work well (I mean are editable) when the proxy is not set up..

Thank you

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Occasional Contributor II

Have you updated the proxy.config and added your server?  Could describe some of your setup?

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Regular Contributor

Hello everyone,

Same issue here, the editor widget shows the message "Feature creation is disabled for all layers" when the service is secured.


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