I'd like my search widget to display suggested results, as it does in the basic search example. However, I want to customize the "sources" to only return search results in my area of interest (10 counties in East Tn). Setting the searchExtent property is effectively limiting search results to my area. But adding these customizations to the sources seems to break the suggestions. My codes is below.
As a side note, the highlightSympbol doesn't seem to work either. The default blue icon is very similar to some of the point features in my map. Any idea why it's not working as well?
I've intentionally left all of the lines that I have commented out to show the different settings/properties that I've tried.
var map = new Map("map", { basemap: "gray", center: [-83.942, 35.9728], zoom: 9 }); var s = new Search({ map: map, zoomScale: 24000, enableSuggestions: true }, "search"); windowResized(); //add the home button var home = new HomeButton({ map: map }, "HomeButton"); home.startup(); var sources = []; sources.push({ locator: new Locator("//geocode.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/World/GeocodeServer"), singleLineFieldName: "SingleLine", countryCode: "US", searchExtent: new Extent( { xmin: -9433102.5652, ymin: 4232556.948, xmax: -9233957.949, ymax: 4356720.4646, spatialReference: { wkid: 102100 } }), outFields: ["Match_addr", "PlaceName"], //outFields: ["address", "PlaceName"], //outFields: ["*"], //name: "World Geocode Service", enableSuggestions: true, enableSuggestionsMenu: true, maxSuggestions: 5, suggestionDelay: 100, minCharacters: 0, placeholder: "Enter an address or place", highlightSymbol: new PictureMarkerSymbol('https://cdn0.iconfinder.com/data/icons/20-flat-icons/128/location-pointer.png', 26, 33).setOffset(1, 1) }); s.set("sources", sources); //highlight symbol //var searchSymbol = new PictureMarkerSymbol("http://i.stack.imgur.com/cdiAE.png", 20, 20); //s.sources[0].highlightSymbol = searchSymbol; s.enableSuggestions = true; s.startup();
Solved! Go to Solution.
You can modify the properties for the default locator (Esri World Geocoder) using the defaultSource property. Here's an example that shows setting the country code and highlight symbol for the world locator:
You can modify the properties for the default locator (Esri World Geocoder) using the defaultSource property. Here's an example that shows setting the country code and highlight symbol for the world locator:
Thank you. That's works perfectly, though I did have to 'upgrade' from the 3.12 API to 3.14. Is defaultSource in the API documentation anywhere? I can't find it. It'd probably be helpful for others with the same issue.
Thanks again!
It was added at a recent version and it looks like we missed getting it documented. We'll add details on it to the doc for a future release.