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Re: Display of KML file in esri javascript from file object

01-24-2023 06:17 AM
New Contributor

Yes, It was ArcGIS SDK for JS. I tried with the KMLLayer Class but it was not working when we create it from the upload file. Creating a URL from the Blob and adding it to the KMLLayer Class. 

const blob = new Blob([fileReader.result], {
                    type: "application/"
                const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
               //, '_blank');
                externallayer = new KMLLayer({
                    url: url,
It shows invalid KML data. 
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor

The KMLLayer doesn't parse KML via the client, it sends the KML url to a utility service that parses it into features and returns those results, so passing a KML blob won't work. The KML url has to be accessible by the utility service.

Per the documentation.

The KMLLayer uses a utility service from, therefore your kml/kmz files must be publicly accessible on the internet.


Esri Contributor

Thanks Rene for your help here 😊.

BTW: sorry I tried to move the whole thread to this forum but apparently I did it wrong ^_^''.

Just in case, and for context, this is the original question.


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