I'm about to update Arcgis from version 3 to 4.27 but don't have any idea how can I convert the below function:
function InfWindow(point, screenPoint) {
var qtLGA = new esri.tasks.QueryTask(WaterConnectMapServerURL + "/16/");
var qLGA = new esri.tasks.Query();
qtLGA.requestTimeout = 180;
qLGA.requestTimeout = 180;
qLGA.returnGeometry = false;
qLGA.outFields = ["ABBNAME"];
qLGA.geometry = point;
var qLGADefer = qtLGA.execute(qLGA);
var identifyTask = new esri.tasks.IdentifyTask(FloodMapServerURL);
identifyTask.requestTimeout = 180;
var identifyParams = new esri.tasks.IdentifyParameters();
identifyParams.tolerance = 0;
identifyParams.returnGeometry = false;
identifyParams.layerOption = esri.tasks.IdentifyParameters.LAYER_OPTION_ALL;
identifyParams.width = map.width;
identifyParams.height = map.height;
identifyParams.geometry = point;
identifyParams.mapExtent = map.extent;
var identifyDefer = identifyTask.execute(identifyParams);
map.infoWindow.show(screenPoint, map.getInfoWindowAnchor(screenPoint));
var promises = new all([qLGADefer, identifyDefer]);
promises.always(function (results) {
var infContent = [];
infContent.push("<table class='tblInfoWindow'>");
infContent.push("<tr class='tblInfoWindowTrHeader'>");
infContent.push("<th class='th-Internal-Pad'>Layer</th>");
infContent.push("<th class='th-Internal-Pad'>Depth Range (m)</th>");
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
if (results[i].features != null) {
if (jQuery.isEmptyObject(results[i].features)) {
map.infoWindow.setTitle("Outside Local Council Area");
else {
if ($.isArray(results[i])) {
if (results[i].length == 0) {
for (var j = 0; j < results[i].length; j++) {
infContent.push("<tr class='tblInfoWindowTrData'>");
infContent.push("<td>" + IDtoLabel[results[i][j].layerId] + "</td>");
infContent.push("<td class='td-Internal-Pad'><a title='Turn on layer' href='javascript:void(0)' class='LayerLink " + results[i][j].layerId + "'>" + results[i][j].layerName + "</a></td>");
if (results[i][j].displayFieldName.toUpperCase().indexOf("RANGE") != -1)
infContent.push("<td class='td-Internal-Pad'>" + results[i][j].value + "</td>");
infContent.push("<td class='td-Internal-Pad'>Extent only</td>");
map.infoWindow.resize(400, 200);
var infContentJoined = infContent.join('');
if (infContentJoined.indexOf("tblInfoWindowTrData") == -1) {
map.infoWindow.setContent("No study data available at this location. Searching nearby...");
else {
$(".tblInfoWindow").find("img.pdfIcon_layer").click(function () {
var layerID = $(this).attr("id").replace("img_layer", "");
$(".tblInfoWindow").find("img.Question").click(function () {
var layerID = $(this).attr("id").replace("question_layer", "");
var layerName = $.trim($(this).parent().text());
OpenQuestionLink(layerID, layerName);
$(".LayerLink").click(function () {
var $tree2 = $("#tree2");
var layerId = parseInt($(this).attr("class").replace("LayerLink ", ""), 10);
var node = $tree2.tree('getNodeById', layerId);
if (node) {
$tree2.tree('openNode', node.parent, false);
$tree2.tree('selectNode', node);
DisplayFeature(null, null, layerId, FloodMapServerURL);
if ($("#chkChangeExtent").prop("checked")) {
QueryTask exixsts in the new version but IdentifyTask has been removed and the replacement is "esri/rest/identify".
I used identify based on the sample https://codepen.io/pen?editors=1010 and rewrote the code got "promise" error. How can I write the code in Arcgis version 4.x? What is the replacements?
Hi there,
The link to your codepen is points to an empty codepen. In any case you can use the identify similar to what is shown below.
const params = {
geometry: event.mapPoint,
tolerance: 3,
mapExtent: view.extent
identify.identify("https://sampleserver6.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/Census/MapServer", params).then((results)=>{
Hope this helps,