How to use demographics data in ArcGIS JavaScript APIs to get the locations with the highest population in a pre-defined area.
i.e. I want to get the top 10 locations with the highest population inside New York City
Many Thanks.
Solved! Go to Solution.
When you say custom blocks - are you not using the blocks provided by the Census? You can easily get this info from them:
Here's the metdata:
You would want to look at B01001e1, which is total population.
Well, that's a loaded question. What is your pre-defined area type? County? Zip? Census Block/Tract? Do you just need to know the fips codes/names for the top 10 areas and their population and/or do you need to see it on a map?
Thanks Chris.
My area is a custom Block layer (Polygon layer) and I need with somehow intersect this layer with demographic data then get the top 10 blocks from the population perspective.
I just want to get the names or IDs of the blocks without drawing them on map.
When you say custom blocks - are you not using the blocks provided by the Census? You can easily get this info from them:
Here's the metdata:
You would want to look at B01001e1, which is total population.
Thanks Chris.
If you just need to get some data, you could load the file gdb from the Census into ArcMap. Since you can't do "top n"/subqueries in a file gdb (you can in a personal gdb), I created a script that should get what you need:
fc = "ACS_11_5YR_BG_36_NEW_YORK" popField = "B01001e1" fl = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(fc, "top10pre", "STATEFP = '36' AND COUNTYFP IN ('005','047','061','081','085')") records = [row[0] for row in arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fl, popField)] topTen = sorted(records)[-10:] query = "\"{0}\" in {1}".format(popField, tuple(topTen)) arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(fl, "top10population", query)
This will output two layers - the last one will have what you need "top10population":
This will give you the top ten block groups, considering only those block groups that are within NYC (the five NYC boroughs - see the COUNTYFP for the fips values).