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Problems with "animateTo" - JavaScript API 4.0 Beta

02-18-2016 08:09 AM
Occasional Contributor

I am acutally working on a 3D demo using the JavaScript API 4.0 Beta and a problem with the "animateTo" function appeared. The demo shows the live position off all local trains in Munich and is based on the "LA Bus" demo from Esri Inc..

If you click on a train listed in the left menue, the "animateTo" function is called:


        target: this.selectionGraphic.geometry,

        center: this.selectionGraphic.geometry,

        zoom: this.sceneView.zoom,



With every click the zoom level increases and the graphic, that should be in the center moves to the top of the window when the zoom level increases. With a very high zoom level the graphic is outside the extent of the SceneView. The movement of the graphic can only be observed, when the camera is sloped. If the view is orthogonally from the top the graphic is always in the center.

I am really sorry, but i cannot publish the demo here, because of the train data, but i hope the problem can be retraced.

Thank you,


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MVP Emeritus


    this is a known bug in the Beta and will be fixed for the final release.

A bug has been logged for this behavior and following are details:

BUG-000093567: animateTo method of SceneView class show gray map if called multiple times.

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