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Problems with displaying WMTS layers in Swiss projection EPSG:2056

05-27-2021 12:20 AM
Occasional Contributor

Dear Esri team

We have a big issue with WMTS layers in the Swiss projection EPSG:2056

When you zoom out, and the service requests a tile where there is no data for, the system stops to reloading all other WMTS tiles and the map looks cluttered with tiles in the correct zoom level, and others are not.

With ArcGIS JS API 4.12 it was working fine, but starting with version 4.13 the bug appeared.

you can see it here: 

Zoom in first, and then zoom out again until your map shows an area where there a no tiles anymore.
Then zoom in again but choose an area where you have partly tiles, and partly no tiles. On the area where there are no tiles, the tiles are not updated with tiles from the higher zoom level.

There is already a bug recorded for that, but does anybody have an idea for a workaround? We have a lot of applications which are using the Swisstopo WMTS layers as a background (and other Swiss companies will have, too), and basically we all cannot upgrade to the next ArcGIS JS version.

bye, Nicole

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