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Problems with API JavaScript 3.5 fro ArcGIS, using PAN and ZOOM functionalities from touch screens from google Chrome.

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08-14-2018 12:17 PM
Emerging Contributor

Hi! I am using the API javascript 3.5 with Chrome from touch screens, but the zooming and panning features are not working; I even tried the ESRI examples of the API 3.5, from chrome, using touch screens, it does not allow to zooming or move.

With Intrnet Explorer there isn't problems, only with Chrome.

Can someone help me please...

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33 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

This was addressed in the December release of the JSAPI v. 3.27

Emerging Contributor

Confirmed.  We're still running 3.26, so that must be the issue.  I'll work with them on getting an update to resolve the issue.  Thanks for the information.

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Occasional Contributor

This bug still exists in version 3.28 when using latest version of Chrome. We can test this quickly by toggling this sample to mobile view in Google Chrome of desktop.

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Occasional Contributor

Has there been any movement on this?  I have a Web App that previously has worked for staff, but now when using Chrome 78.x pan does not work so this completely breaks our production business process.

Others have mentioned a workaround by installing another browser, but we would like to continue using the browser staff are familiar with.  Please provide status update ESRI so we can figure out when this will work!  


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