In 4.25 I get this warning
[esri.core.watchUtils] 🛑 DEPRECATED - Module: esri/core/watchUtils
🛠️ Replacement: esri/core/reactiveUtils
:gear:Version: 4.24
I have tried to use reactiveUtils but without success, the watchUtils example works ok. Here is the example that works and the other that I'm not able to get to work.
watchUtils.whenTrue(view.popup,'visible', () => {
watchUtils.whenFalseOnce(view.popup,'visible', () => {'popup has been closed');
//doesn't work
reactiveUtils.whenOnce(() => view.popup.visible).then(() => {
reactiveUtils.whenOnce(() => !view.popup.visible).then(() => {'how to get here?');
Made a new question for this problem: