html += '<div id="bufferResultsDiv" data-dojo-type="dijit.layout.ContentPane" class="Pad" style="Display: none;">'; html += '<table data-dojo-type="dojox.grid.DataGrid" data-dojo-id="grid" id="grid" data-dojo-props="rowsPerPage:"5", rowSelector:"20px">'; html += '<thead>'; html += '<tr>'; html += '<th field="parcel_f" width="100%">Parcel #</th>'; html += '<th field="name1" width="100%">Name</th>'; html += '</tr>'; html += '</thead>'; html += '</table>'; html += '</div>'; $('#parcelSearchControls').html(html);I get an error saying that .setStore is not a function at this line:
grid.setStore(store);I have tried declare the grid multiple ways:
var grid = dijit.byId('grid'); var grid = dojo.byId('grid'); var grid = $("#grid");
As far as running the dojo parser again I'm not positive. Maybe someone with more knowledge with dojo can answer that.
I am interested in your suggestion. How would I go about creating the dataGrid programmatically and placing it in the DOM? Do you have any examples of what you are suggesting?