With ArcGIS Javascript v3.x you could use a combination of MapImage and MapImageLayer to overlay a georeferenced image on the map. It appears that the MapImageLayer functionality has changed in the 4.6 Javascript API, so is there a workaround available for georeferenced images until the old v3.x functionality of the MapImageLayer is implemented?
Well, once you have your mapView set up in your js file, you just need to add the correct require
and alias
and then set up a var for the MapImageLayer and add it to your maps layers:
var image = new MapImageLayer({
url: "http://gem.edcgov.us/arcgis/rest/services/surface/Aerials_2011_mercator_WAB/MapServer"
/*add the layers!*/
map.addMany([lyrUtilBnds, lyrEnvBnds, lyrFacBnds, lyrMobBnds, image]);
not really a workaround per say, it's just the way it works
I think you mis-read the post he is asking about adding a georeferenced image to the map in 4.x
Sure, I don't think I understand what he's asking then. But other than adding a map image layer or an image service layer, how else would you add an image to a map?
Just the way he said back in 3.x API. The MapImageLayer was for just that back then.
yeah I missed something in his question then. In looking at 4.x, it looks like some of the old 3.x MapImage properties are now incorporated into the 4.x MapImageLayer?
Thank you all for the feedback! I probably should have been more specific. I have utilized the MapImageLayer functionality in 3.x for overlaying a local georeferenced image with success, but I noticed that same functionality doesn't exist yet in 4.x. According to the ESRI functionality matrix the 3.x MapImageLayer has not been implemented in 4.x, since the 4.x MapImageLayer actually is a conversion of the 3.x ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer.
So I guess the main question that I was asking if anyone had figured out a workaround to achieve the 3.x MapImageLayer functionality utilizing the 4.x version of the API.
Perhaps I just need to be patient for the next release!
Thanks again!
I have not seen any info on the port over of the capability to use a georeferenced image in 4.x yet. I will ask next month at the Dev Summit though.
Thanks...appreciate it!
On Fri, Feb 23, 2018 at 3:20 PM, Robert Scheitlin, GISP <geonet@esri.com>