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Outdated maps - Australia

08-22-2023 06:24 AM
Occasional Contributor


A number of our customers are letting us know that the map imagery we're displaying of their rural properties is very out of date. When can we expect the map imagery to be updated? 

When they show us how up to date Google Maps is, it's difficult to avoid pretty fair criticism. 

Is there a timeline on the updates? When are they conducted and how often?


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1 Reply
Honored Contributor

I suspect ESRI waits until they're able to get a deal on licensing new imagery from 3rd party sources. If you already know of problematic areas, I would suggest that you submit feedback using ESRI's Imagery Map Feedback app:

Imagery Map Feedback

Frankly, I wouldn't expect a prompt response from ESRI but at least there's now a paper trail to indicate that an area is out of date.


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