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One map pans with mouse scroll while others don't

06-19-2015 01:54 PM
New Contributor II

I have a situation where I have a map on a dojo tab container.  When you scroll the mouse wheel, this map will pan northward - always northward - no matter which way you scroll the wheel.

All the other maps we have will zoom when the mouse wheel is scrolled - and again, they will only zoom in one direction regardless of which way the mouse is scrolled.

The zoom is not so bad, but the pan can leave the user lost, as it pans a significant distance - several extents.

Any idea what we're doing wrong?  As far as I know we aren't setting anything to get any of these behaviors.

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6 Replies
MVP Emeritus


   Can you share your code for review?

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New Contributor II

Sorry, Robert - just now seeing your response.  Apparently I'm not subscribed to my own thread. 

Which part of the code would you like to see - the html that declares the dijits or the javascript that creates the map?

BTW, I discovered that this issue is isolated to IE11.  Well, it doesn't occur on Chrome anyway - hadn't checked Firefox.

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MVP Emeritus


   Both html and js would be helpful.

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New Contributor II

Here's the html I use to define the dijits:

<body class="claro">

<div data-dojo-type="dijit/layout/TabContainer" style="width: auto; font-size: 12pt;" tabstrip="true" class="submittalTabs" id="TabHost", data-dojo-id="TabHost">

<div data-dojo-type="dijit/layout/ContentPane" title="Submittal Form" class="submittalForm">


<div data-dojo-type="dijit/layout/ContentPane" title="Submittal Drawing" selected="true" class="submittalDrawing">

<div id="map">

<div id="submittalMap"></div>





And here's what I use to define the map:

createMap(extent, baseMap, domHost) {

//use the default dom host, if none specified

if (!domHost) { domHost = "map";}

//construct an esri map component

var theMap;

"esri/map"], function (Map) {

new Map(domHost, {



return theMap;

Pardon the poor formatting - having trouble figuring out this editor.

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MVP Emeritus


   Sorry, there is not enough code here to go off of to figure out your issue.

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New Contributor III

Hi Dave,

What is the version of the Javascript API that you are using? I had issue before when using previous version of JS API with ie 11, which has the zooming issue kind of like what you described. So you could try to upgrade to the latest version of JS API.

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