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Official JSON formats

04-30-2012 02:02 PM
Deactivated User
Hi everyone,

I would like to know where can I find the real official JSON formats with versions.
Is there a real standard somewhere?
Does ESRI uses that standard?
Where can I find the official ESRI JSON formats?
What standard does JSON.stringify() uses?

I have found it very difficult to find reliable information on this.

My problem is that I'm trying to call a geoprocessing service on ArcGIS 10.0, but the translation from my javascript FeatureSet to JSON is not proper to what the greopressing service expect. In the request, the input has a different format and has empty values.
Service I'm trying to call :

5 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor
@petaques, Hi, I'm not a JSON expert so I can't answer most of your questions. However, you can find detailed information on our JSON response syntax. For that information, please consult the ArcGIS Server REST API specifcation:

Also, here's a few other links that I've found to be helpful:

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Deactivated User
Hi, so far I didn't find any real Official JSON format (if that exist).

I've found the ESRI JSON input format expected by a geoprocessing service for ArcGIS 10.0.
So I know exactly what the geoprocessing service expects.

I've also seen how a featureSet should be sent to a geoprocessing service through the submitJob function of the esri.tasks.Geoprocessor.

My problem is to figure out, where does that geoprocessor find its toJson function for a featureSet.

ESRI says that the format expected should be some like this :
"geometryType" : "esriGeometryPoint",
"spatialReference" : {"wkid" : 4326},
"features"  : [
    "geometry" : {"x" : -104.44, "y" : 34.83},
    "attributes" : {"Id" : 43, "Name" : "Feature 1"}
    "geometry" : {"x" : -100.65, "y" : 33.69},
    "attributes" : {"Id" : 67, "Name" : "Feature 2"}

But then, the geoprocessor object create the JSON from my featureSet like this:
  "attributes":{"ID":0,"NAME":"Main Camp","TYPE":"Permanent","LATITUDE":"56.123456","LONGITUDE":"-112.12345678","LOCAT_VALID":"Valid","isAlone":true}

Althought the JSON.stringify() method give me this :
  "attributes":{"ID":0,"NAME":"Main Camp","TYPE":"Permanent","LATITUDE":"56.123456","LONGITUDE":"-112.12345678","LOCAT_VALID":"Valid","isAlone":true},
  "infoTemplate":{"title":"Main Camp","content":"Latitude: 56.123456<br>Longitude: -112.12345678"}

I've tried to call the service from the rest end point with both JSON featureSet and I found out why the JSON object created by the geoprocessor does not work. It simply that, as you can notice, the spatial reference from the geoprocessor is noted as
while form the stringify method it is noted as
which is the expected format.

I'm wondering if this is normal and there is just something I'm missing, or is it simply a bug from esri.tasks.geoprocessor.
That is why I'd like to know what does the esri.tasks.geoprocessor uses for the purpose of converting FeatureSet to JSON and how can I work around that problem.

If anyone has encountered that problem or has a hint on how to solve this, it'd be appreciated.
Thank you
0 Kudos
MVP Alum
i use
and the validator at

So far pretty straight forward, only surprise was that comments are not supported!
You cannot have //comments in json

you need to actually add a comments key:value pair

Hi, so far I didn't find any real Official JSON format (if that exist).

I've found the ESRI JSON input format expected by a geoprocessing service for ArcGIS 10.0.
So I know exactly what the geoprocessing service expects.

I've also seen how a featureSet should be sent to a geoprocessing service through the submitJob function of the esri.tasks.Geoprocessor.

My problem is to figure out, where does that geoprocessor find its toJson function for a featureSet.

ESRI says that the format expected should be some like this :
"geometryType" : "esriGeometryPoint",
"spatialReference" : {"wkid" : 4326},
"features"  : [
    "geometry" : {"x" : -104.44, "y" : 34.83},
    "attributes" : {"Id" : 43, "Name" : "Feature 1"}
    "geometry" : {"x" : -100.65, "y" : 33.69},
    "attributes" : {"Id" : 67, "Name" : "Feature 2"}

But then, the geoprocessor object create the JSON from my featureSet like this:
  "attributes":{"ID":0,"NAME":"Main Camp","TYPE":"Permanent","LATITUDE":"56.123456","LONGITUDE":"-112.12345678","LOCAT_VALID":"Valid","isAlone":true}

Althought the JSON.stringify() method give me this :
  "attributes":{"ID":0,"NAME":"Main Camp","TYPE":"Permanent","LATITUDE":"56.123456","LONGITUDE":"-112.12345678","LOCAT_VALID":"Valid","isAlone":true},
  "infoTemplate":{"title":"Main Camp","content":"Latitude: 56.123456<br>Longitude: -112.12345678"}

I've tried to call the service from the rest end point with both JSON featureSet and I found out why the JSON object created by the geoprocessor does not work. It simply that, as you can notice, the spatial reference from the geoprocessor is noted as
while form the stringify method it is noted as
which is the expected format.

I'm wondering if this is normal and there is just something I'm missing, or is it simply a bug from esri.tasks.geoprocessor.
That is why I'd like to know what does the esri.tasks.geoprocessor uses for the purpose of converting FeatureSet to JSON and how can I work around that problem.

If anyone has encountered that problem or has a hint on how to solve this, it'd be appreciated.
Thank you
0 Kudos
Esri Regular Contributor
Jeff, here's Douglas Crockford's comment on why he removed comments from JSON:

0 Kudos
MVP Alum
Jeff, here's Douglas Crockford's comment on why he removed comments from JSON:


THanks for the link.  IT really isnt a big deal, more of just a watershed moment when "why is my json always invalid" is oh - no comments allowed!!
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