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New BETA mapviewer

05-07-2014 12:56 PM
MVP Alum
So we rewrote our mapviewer to be lightweight, mobile device compatible (ipad mini size and up, phones are not in our target group).
Initially started with a template I found on here, highly customized.  API 3.9, fully AMD

Would love some feedback from the community.  Please either reply here or use the feedback button on the app.  If you do use the feedback button, please indicate that you are using the BETA viewer.

1. Basemap Gallery (with google, and street view)
2. TOC
3. Searching by attribute and location, with buffering
4. Location aware on touch devices
5. Printing 🙂 (custom implementation)
6. Basemap download
7. Drawing. 
8. Custom Bookmarks via cookies
9. Live layer swap out (via settings tab)
10. Details of identify in side panel, with linking and export to excel
11. Pictometry oblique imagery viewer embedded
12. Navigation tools only show up on Desktop
13. Removed all jQuery code so it is fully DOJO

TO DO still
1. Measurement (custom widget, migrating now)
2. Directions - need routable centerline, working on data

Editing is enabled but only available to logged in users 🙂

Fully https complaint as well.

Please let me know what you think!!
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10 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor
Outstanding work Jeff, way to go.  Very impressive.
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Deactivated User
Looks good Jeff.

A few things:
Consider a loading screen.

It took me a minute to find identify. Search By Location --> Identify By Location ???

There is a slight northwesterly shift of the result geometry and the layer geometry.

The xls export is great. Maybe csv too?

Have the result link icons vertical with text too. Helpful for mobile and to know what it is.

Identify conflicts with draw once the first id has been completed.

Draw rectangle doesn't work. Freezes map until a different draw tool is selected.

I like your county basemap. Have it selected by default?

Cheers, Ben
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Honored Contributor
Very minor but-

  • a space is missing in the tooltips for the zoom in & zoom out icons in the upper left.

  • No tooltip exists for the email icon.

  • I'd make the "Manatee County" and "Public Safety" text in the upper right clickable links

  • No idea what the colored grid is that's part of the Public Safety layer load. Doesn't appear to be in the legend?

Congratulations on the achievement, though!

0 Kudos
MVP Alum
wow guys really appreciate the comments.

Tooltips went in yesterday.  Basically stubbed them out, will clean up and add more

Search vs. Identify.  Its basically the same thing, But yes I see a difference from the user standpoint.  Will ponder that

Drawing rectangle. thanks for the report.  Will investigate

The county basemap was our (admittedly tweaked) version of the community basemap program.  GIS people love it.  The public, um, does not.  🙂  Thanks for the compliment though

data shift is disturbing..
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Deactivated User
That shift might be due to service being published in different sr than data.
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Deactivated User
Very nice.  I really like the styling you did and the way you are handling the accordion containers on the left.  A couple of comments:

  • I echo the loading screen suggestion.  The jumbled elements that flash pre-load is distracting.

  • The map title text (Manatee County - Property Locator) draws on top of your tools when your screen width is mobile size (I did this in Safari by resizing my window to as narrow as it would go).

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MVP Alum
the shift could be b/c the parcel layer is tiled and not updated as frequently as the data retrieved from the query
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MVP Alum
phones are not a target device at the moment, and on touch devices there is no toolbar b/c you dont need it
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Honored Contributor

+1 on loading screen

You may like to see - extra code to allow coloured styled fills - neat.

My internal site looks very similar!  Lots of overlap.  I have added the ability to save drawn graphics to local storage - I may be able to break the code out in a usable way if you are interested.

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