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Need to have 2 time sliders in a map

04-20-2014 08:40 PM
New Contributor III
Dear All

I am currently working with javascript api 3.8. I need to have 2 time sliders for the map one for raster and one for vector, but id doesnot allow me to create multiple timesliders and I get an error that the time slider is already registered.

Any help on this would be appreciated!

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1 Reply
Occasional Contributor II
Dear All

I am currently working with javascript api 3.8. I need to have 2 time sliders for the map one for raster and one for vector, but id doesnot allow me to create multiple timesliders and I get an error that the time slider is already registered.

Any help on this would be appreciated!


I think that you can't do it. Map only allows you to set one timeslider. Maybe the (not so good, certainly not elegant) solution is to create two different maps in different divs, attaching a different timeslider to each one. Then, you can control the visibility of which map (and so which timeslider) should be visible at any moment.
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