Hi All,
I have Geographic coordinates as 42 33 9.22 ,-107 33 35.53 Datum NAD27. I would like to convert the same coordinates to Datum NAD83 using Javascript API, can anyone suggest me how ho to proceed.
You can project the point using a GeometryService. Note that you will need to convert your coordinates to decimal degrees before projecting them.
There is also a good sample that shows how to do this:
var inSR = new esri.SpatialReference({ wkid: incoord }); var outSR = new esri.SpatialReference({ wkid: outcoord }); var geometryService = new esri.tasks.GeometryService("http://tasks.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/Geometry/GeometryServer"); var inputpoint = new esri.geometry.Point(inlon, inlat, inSR); var PrjParams = new esri.tasks.ProjectParameters(); PrjParams.geometries = [inputpoint]; PrjParams.outSR = outSR; if (datumtrans != 'Default') { PrjParams.transformation = { wkid: parseInt(datumtrans, 10) }; } geometryService.project(PrjParams, function (outputpoint) { console.log('Conversion completed. Input SR: ' + incoord + '. Output SR: ' + outcoord + '. Datum Transformation: ' + datumtrans + '.'); dojo.byId("outLat").value = outputpoint[0].y; dojo.byId("outLon").value = outputpoint[0].x; });