I am trying to add in multiple feature tables into my web application. I have seen the post below, but they were using JS 3.x and I am using 4.x.
Basically, I am hoping that I can add a tab that allows users to select which feature table they want to view. Here is the code I have so far that works, but it only displays one table...
// Create the feature table
const featureTable = new FeatureTable({
view: view, // Required for feature highlight to work
layer: featureLayer,
multiSortEnabled: true,
visibleElements: {
// Autocast to VisibleElements
menuItems: {
clearSelection: true,
refreshData: true,
toggleColumns: true,
selectedRecordsShowAllToggle: true,
selectedRecordsShowSelectedToggle: true,
zoomToSelection: true
container: document.getElementById("tableDiv")
// Listen for the view's click event and access the associated graphic.
view.on("immediate-click", (event) => {
view.hitTest(event).then((response) => {
tableCandidate = response.results.find((result) => {
return (
result.graphic &&
result.graphic.layer &&
result.graphic.layer === featureLayer
// Add the graphic's ObjectId into the collection of highlightIds.
// Check that the featureTable.highlightIds collection
// does not include an already highlighted feature.
if (tableCandidate) {
const objectId = tableCandidate.graphic.getObjectId();
if (featureTable.highlightIds.includes(objectId)) {
// Remove feature from current selection if feature
// is already added to highlightIds collection
} else {
// Add this feature to the featureTable highlightIds collection
// Watch the featureTable's highlightIds.length property,
// and get the count of highlighted features within
// the table.
featureTable.watch("highlightIds.length", (ids) => {
highlightIdsCount = ids;
// Iterate through the filters within the table.
// If the active filter is "Show selection",
// changes made to highlightIds (adding/removing)
// are reflected.
featureTable.viewModel.activeFilters.forEach((filter) => {
if (filter.type === "selection") {
selectionIdCount = filter.objectIds.length; // the filtered selection's id count
// Check that the filter selection count is equal to the
// highlightIds collection count. If not, update filter selection.
if (selectionIdCount !== highlightIdsCount) {
<div id="mainWindow">
<div class="container">
<div id="tableDiv"></div>
Here is an example of using multiple FeatureTables for multiple layers.
view.when(() => {
const layers = map.layers
.filter((layer) => {
return layer.type === "feature";
let count = 0;
for (const layer of layers) {
// nav
const title = document.createElement("calcite-tab-title");
title.innerText = layer.title;
if (count === 0) {
title.active = true;
// content
const container = document.createElement("div");
const table = new FeatureTable({
const tab = document.createElement("calcite-tab");
Hi @ReneRubalcava how to make that tab “closable”?
You would need some logic using use DOMElement remove