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Modifying an exisitng widget

12-07-2021 03:18 AM
New Contributor II

Are there any possibilities to get the code of a widget and modify the render method?

I checked the youtube resources ->

But in there they use a tsx file where you can modify whatever you want. Now looks like those tsx files are no longer available.


In this session, we'll cover how you can customize widgets in the ArcGIS API 4.x for JavaScript. You'll learn about widget view-models and how they make it easy to rewrite a widget's UI. We'll also cover using out-of-the-box themes, as well as creating custom themes using Sass ...
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5 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

@RemiBecherucorrect, as of 4.21 we no longer support directly modifying the out-of-the-box widget View code. Which widget are you using? Some options going forward are extending the ViewModel, or building a custom widget.

A common example for extending the ViewModel is SketchViewModel, here's the doc: and here's an example: 

We are looking into adding a sample and some additional doc on this.

MVP Emeritus


Unfortunately your example url seems to be a non-public url.

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Esri Regular Contributor

Thanks @RobertScheitlin__GISP link has been updated to an existing sample. The other sample (SketchViewModel Styler) will be available in the upcoming 4.22 release.

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New Contributor II

@AndyGup I am interested in the CoordinateConversion widget. Mainly I am not satisfied with the rendered UI, but there are some other things as well.

For example, I would like to input coordinates directly by clicking on the coordinates format instead of clicking on the dedicated edit button.



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Esri Regular Contributor

Hi @RemiBecheru, you can use the methods from the CoordinateConversionViewModel in your own UI, if that is of interest to you.

I'd like to hear more about your thoughts on the CC widget. Feel free to outline them here, or message me directly.

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