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MapImageLayer join-table label not displaying

11-16-2023 12:56 AM
Frequent Contributor

Hi Team,

We are working on ArcGIS JS API 4.28 and using MapImageLayer and join-table with standalone table and join is working perfectly.

We are facing the issue in displaying the Label on this joined map image layer but label is not displaying.

I am sharing the code - 

var queryString =
"SELECT id,name from test";
const layer = new MapImageLayer({
url: "https://sample/MapServer",
title: "United States Population",
sublayers: [
title: "Share of population with Norwegian Ancestry",
id: 0,
labelingInfo: [
labelExpression: "[name]",
labelPlacement: "always-horizontal",
symbol: {
type: "text", // autocasts as new TextSymbol()
color: [255, 255, 255, 0.7],
haloColor: [0, 0, 0, 0.7],
haloSize: 1,
font: {
size: 11,


opacity: 0.75,
source: {
type: "data-layer",
dataSource: {
type: "join-table",
leftTableSource: {
type: "map-layer",
mapLayerId: 0,
rightTableSource: {
type: "data-layer",
dataSource: {
type: "query-table",
workspaceId: "testworkspace",
query: queryString,
oidFields: "id",
leftTableKey: "name",
rightTableKey: "name",
joinType: "left-outer-join",

Now I want to know how to display the label on joined tables?? and also want to know which fields will be displayed(Map Layer or System Table).. what is the syntax.


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<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
      MapImageLayer - dynamic data layer with table join | Sample | ArcGIS Maps
      SDK for JavaScript 4.28

    <script src=""></script>

      #viewDiv {
        padding: 0;
        margin: 0;
        height: 100%;
        width: 100%;

      ], (Map, MapView, MapImageLayer, Legend) => {
        // helper function to create a symbol
        function createSymbol(color) {
          return {
            type: "simple-fill", // autocasts as new SimpleFillSymbol()
            color: color,
            outline: {
              width: 0.5,
              color: [255, 255, 255, 0.4],
            style: "solid",

         * Create a MapImageLayer instance pointing to a Map Service
         * containing US state boundary geometries. A sublayer is added to
         * the layer with a dynamic data layer source. The dynamic layer
         * is created by joining a table with demographic attributes to an
         * existing map service layer with geometries (states).
         * The data exist in a registered workspace in the map service.

        const layer = new MapImageLayer({
          url: "",
          title: "United States Population",
          sublayers: [
              title: "Share of population with Norwegian Ancestry",
              id: 0,
              opacity: 0.75,
              labelingInfo: [
                  labelExpression: "{states.STATE_NAME}",
                  labelPlacement: "below-right",
                  symbol: {
                    type: "text", // autocasts as new TextSymbol()
                    color: "white",
                    font: {
                      size: 8,
                    backgroundColor: [0, 0, 0, 0.5],
                  minScale: 0,
                  maxScale: 0,
              source: {
                // indicates the source of the sublayer is a dynamic data layer
                type: "data-layer",
                // this object defines the data source of the layer
                // in this case it's a joined table
                dataSource: {
                  type: "join-table",
                  // for joined tables you need to define a left table source
                  // and a right table source. In this case, the left table
                  // is the map layer containing feature geometries. The ID
                  // is the layer ID of the sublayer in the service.
                  leftTableSource: {
                    type: "map-layer",
                    mapLayerId: 3,
                  // The right table source is another data layer object.
                  // In this case it is a plain table that resides in the
                  // workspace. Simply indicate the ID of the workspace and
                  // the name of the table
                  rightTableSource: {
                    type: "data-layer",
                    dataSource: {
                      type: "table",
                      workspaceId: "CensusFileGDBWorkspaceID",
                      dataSourceName: "ancestry",
                  // For the joint to be complete, you must indicate the
                  // primary key and the foreign key to match the table
                  // records from each respective source. In this case
                  // we will match table records with the state name.
                  // So we must indicate the field in each table containing
                  // the state name.
                  leftTableKey: "STATE_NAME",
                  rightTableKey: "State",
                  // Indicates the join type. In this case all records from
                  // the map layer are retained even if they don't have
                  // matching records in the ancestry table.
                  joinType: "left-outer-join",
              popupTemplate: {
                // autocasts as new PopupTemplate()
                title: "{states.STATE_NAME}",
                content: [
                    type: "fields",
                    fieldInfos: [
                        fieldName: "states.POP2007",
                        label: "Total population",
                        visible: true,
                        format: {
                          digitSeparator: true,
                          places: 0,
                        fieldName: "ancestry.Norwegian",
                        label: "Norwegian population",
                        visible: true,
                        format: {
                          digitSeparator: true,
                          places: 0,

         * Create a renderer for the dynamic layer. Note the field names
         * must be prefixed by the table name for the renderer to read
         * field values. In this sample we are visualizing the number of
         * people with Norwegian ancestry (from the ancestry table) and
         * normalizing by the total population (from the states map layer).

        const renderer = {
          type: "class-breaks", // autocasts as new ClassBreaksRenderer()
          field: "ancestry.Norwegian",
          normalizationField: "states.POP2007",
          normalizationType: "field",
          classBreakInfos: [
              minValue: 0,
              maxValue: 0.0126,
              symbol: createSymbol("#f8e3c2"),
              label: "0 - 1.26%",
              minValue: 0.0126,
              maxValue: 0.026,
              symbol: createSymbol("#e5998c"),
              label: "1.26 - 2.6%",
              minValue: 0.026,
              maxValue: 0.15,
              symbol: createSymbol("#d86868"),
              label: "2.6 - 15%",
              minValue: 0.15,
              maxValue: 0.5,
              symbol: createSymbol("#9b3557"),
              label: "15 - 50%",

        // Get the sublayer to apply the renderer to
        const norwegianSublayer = layer.sublayers.find((sublayer) => {
          return (
            sublayer.title === "Share of population with Norwegian Ancestry"
        // set the renderer on the sublayer
        norwegianSublayer.renderer = renderer;

         * Add the layer to a map

        const map = new Map({
          basemap: "topo-vector",
          layers: [layer],

        const view = new MapView({
          container: "viewDiv",
          map: map,
          zoom: 4,
          center: [-101.088, 40.969],

        view.when(() => {
          const legend = new Legend({
            view: view,
          view.ui.add(legend, "bottom-left");

    <div id="viewDiv"></div>


This is the complete code, In this mapimage layer join table label want to display which is not displaying. I dont know its ArcGIS JS API Bug or some implementation issue in my code.

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@Sage_Wall @AnneFitz  @Noah-Sager @and1  #esriJSAPI #MapImageLayer #Join-Table @

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