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Map.on ‘Click’ Event Works in IOS but not Android

06-05-2018 08:49 AM
Deactivated User

I have a PhoneGap hybrid app developed with ArcGIS JS API 3.24 and Framework7 v1. I have a map click event that’s working in IOS, but not Android. Is there an event handler method that works for both?

 map.on('click', function(evt){
    code here...
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16 Replies
MVP Emeritus


This is what I use

map.on('click, touchend', function(evt){
Deactivated User


This method works in iOS but not in the Android emulator ( I don't have an Android device, so that's what I've been using to test the apk. Here is a link to the debug build: 

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MVP Emeritus


   So you are saying that adding touchend does not work either?

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Deactivated User

Not when I run the apk in Maybe it will work on an actual Android device though? Since I'm using a mouse click through the browser. 

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MVP Emeritus


   Since touchend is a whole other event I would say yes.

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Deactivated User

OK. My coworker tested it on an Android phone and can't get it to work either. The touch event is supposed to trigger a popup. 

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MVP Emeritus

OK. Anytime I have had an issue with click on a mobile device if I added touchend to the event handler it always worked for me.

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Deactivated User

OK. Here is the JS for the app. Map_B is an html page that is loaded from a link button. 

// Initialize app
var myApp = new Framework7();

// If we need to use custom DOM library, let's save it to $$ variable:
var $$ = Dom7;

// Add view
var mainView = myApp.addView('.view-main', {
     domCache: true

// Handle Cordova Device Ready Event
$$(document).on('deviceready', function() {
    console.log("Device is ready!");

myApp.onPageInit('map_B', function (page){
     var map;

      ], function (
        esriConfig, Map,  arcgisUtils, Geoprocessor, GeometryService,
          Graphic, webMercatorUtils, Popup, InfoTemplate, HomeButton, Search, 
          domConstruct, dom, esriBundle, domAttr, query, on, parser
      ) {
            esriBundle.widgets.Search.main.placeholder = "Find address, place or lat/lon";

            map = new Map("map", {
            basemap: "hybrid",
               center: [-97, 40],
                 zoom: 3,
                  slider: false

            esriConfig.defaults.geometryService = new GeometryService("");          
            var home = new HomeButton({
          map: map
         }, "HomeButton_B");
           var search = new Search({
            map: map,
               showInfoWindowOnSelect: false,
               enableLabel: false,
               enableHighlight: false,
                  enableSuggestions: true
         }, "search_B");
          var x,y;
          //Initial click function     
          map.on('click, touchend', function(evt){
            var mp = webMercatorUtils.webMercatorToGeographic(evt.mapPoint);
            x = mp.x.toFixed(3);
            y = mp.y.toFixed(3);
          var graphic = new Graphic(evt.mapPoint);

          map.infoWindow.setContent(" Longitude: " + x.toString() + " <br>Latitude: " + y.toString());

            map.infoWindow.setTitle("Forecast Reports");
            var locationStr;
            window.gp_chart = new Geoprocessor("");
            //Three week chart link click
            var link = domConstruct.create("a",{
                "class": "action", 
                "id": "chartLink_B",
                "innerHTML": "Generate Chart", //text that appears in the popup for the link 
                "href": "javascript: void(0);"
              }, query(".actionList", map.infoWindow.domNode)[0]);
            on(link, "click", function()

                      "Enter Location Name: ", // message
                      handleLocationPrompt, // callback
                      "", //title
                      ["Ok", "Exit"] // button titles

                    // handle user's dialog action
                    function handleLocationPrompt(results) {
                      if (results.buttonIndex === 1) {
                         // Ok
                         locationStr = results.input1;
                          var lat,lon = "";
                          lat = x.toString();
                          lon = y.toString();

                    var taskParams = {
                      "Latitude": lat,
                      "Longitude": lon,
                      "Location": locationStr
                      domAttr.set(dom.byId("chartLink_B"), "innerHTML", "Generating Chart...");
                      window.gp_chart.execute(taskParams, gpChartResultAvailable);

                  var content = "";
                  var chartPath;
                 function gpChartResultAvailable(results, messages){
                     domAttr.set(dom.byId("chartLink_B"),"innerHTML", "Three Week Chart");
                     //clear any existing features displayed in the popup 
                     if(results == 0){
                           var chartPath = "" + locationStr + ".png";
                           //content = '<IMG SRC="' + chartPath + '" width=100% height=100%>';
                           content = " Unable To Generate Chart";
                    map.infoWindow.resize(250, 170);
                    map.infoWindow.setTitle("Click on Chart");
                    var img = document.createElement("img");

                    img.addEventListener("click", function () {window.location = chartPath;});

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MVP Emeritus

Maybe Andy can help.

Andy Gup

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