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Map not loading in Test Env , loading locally

02-10-2023 12:38 AM
New Contributor

Hi Team,

We are using reactjs app , locally application running fine by loading map , but when i deploy to AWS Test Env , it is showing the points in map but actual map is not showing.

below error:

[esri.layers.VectorTileLayer] #load() Failed to load layer (title: 'World Topographic Map', id: '1863a6d222b-layer-2')




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1 Reply
Emerging Contributor

Theres not very much to go on here. Could you post your code on how the map is loaded? 


Just as a quick test - if your using Vite. Could you also try adding this to your vite.config.ts file and see if that helps solve the issue? If it works after this, please post back as i want to create a reproducable project which triggers these kind of errors and post it back to the devs. I have had similar experiences which is fixed by the config setting below when using Vite. 

optimizeDeps: {
 disabled: false,
 exclude: ['@arcgis/core'],


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