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Map: Geometry (wkid: 102184) cannot be converted to spatial reference of the map (wkid: 102100)

05-30-2018 04:23 AM
Emerging Contributor

Hi Everyone, 

                          I am getting this really weird log entry in the console while loading a base map layer and on click it.

//Creating a base map gallery widget

var basemapGallery = new BasemapGallery({
         id: "basemapGallery",
         showArcGISBasemaps: true,
          portalUrl: this.config.sharinghost,
          basemapsGroup: this._getBasemapGroup()
}, domConstruct.create("div", {}, basemapDiv));

//adding a base map layer into the base map gallery widget

var additionalBasemap = new esri.dijit.Basemap({
   layers: [new esri.dijit.BasemapLayer({
      url: "Provincial_Basemap_A/Latest (MapServer)",
      opacity: 1
   title: "Provincial Basemap A"


basemapGallery .startup();

Added layer is visible in the Base map gallery widget. but tried to access that layer throws a console error:

Map: Geometry (wkid: 102100) cannot be converted to spatial reference of the map (wkid: 102184)
Map: Geometry (wkid: 102184) cannot be converted to spatial reference of the map (wkid: 102100)
If I tried to use this layer("World_Street_Map (MapServer)") to add as an additional layer. It's working fine.
Thanks for the help in advance.
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3 Replies
MVP Emeritus


   It is the simple fact that all your basemaps have to be in the same spatial reference.

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Emerging Contributor

Yep, but need to show different spatial Reference layer in base map gallery widget. Do you have any suggestion and thoughts? 

0 Kudos
MVP Emeritus


   It is NOT possible to have two different spatial reference base maps in the gallery.

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