Is there any api which provide boundary coordinates of city, county and country ? I want to use those api to draw boundary for search place. Example: If i search for Arizona USA i should get coordinate for Arizona jurisdictional boundary.
Hi mukul chavan,
I think you should have a look at the ArcGIS REST API:
ArcGIS REST API | ArcGIS for Developers
Below you will find an example retrieving the boundary of the state of Arizona:
Hey Thanks!!!
I have gone through api link which you have provided. But did not get information which I am seeking. Can you please provide me link from where did you get " " this service, so that I can get much information on how to pass queryparams , what should be passed to get county boundary , city boundary , district boundary..
Hi mukul chavan,
I found this map through the Living Atlas:
The underlying service can be found here:
At the bottom of this page you will find a link to query the service:
Here you can enter your parameters - see screen capture.
Hi Egge-Jabn,
I have gone through API repository and found state & county data but did not found any api which will return boundary coordinates for city , town and district.
I have search data on this link.
Example :- I want to get boundary coordinates for Gilbert in Arizona, which API I should consume for this?