I have created ArcGIS WebAppBuilder which provides a lot of functionalities. However, I want to interact with it using API for JS so that I can import data for analysis. Is there a way to do that?
WAB is built using the JS API... Your question is way to unspecific.
@RobertScheitlin__GISP I created an app using WAB directly from ArcGIS for Developers. I didn't write a single line of code while creating it. Now I want to interact with it from JS API just like we do with a webmap or a feature layer, for example.
Though you did not write any code the WAB development team did using the JS API. You you need to get the WAB Developer edition and start looking into the code. WAB is not going to be simple to understand like the JS API samples, but at it's core is is just a JS API application. In the WAB jimu.js folder you will find a MapManager.js file that creates the app Map Object (probably good place to start).