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Integrate Nearmap aerial map service with an ArcGIS map

09-20-2024 01:19 AM
Emerging Contributor

I have developed an ArcGIS map using the ArcGIS SDK for Javascript (v 4.30). The Nearmap aerial map service must be integrated into this map. (The Nearmap tool, available in the ArcGIS marketplace, allows you to integrate Nearmap with ArcGIS online. ) 

  1. Is there a similar way to do this using the SDK?
  2. If not do I need to purchase Nearmap separately and implement it as a separate module? 


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2 Replies
Esri Contributor

I would check with Nearmap for any specific questions, especially if these services are secure and you need an API key or something to access. It looks like they have both WMS and Tile services available so you should be able to either bring them in to your app as a WMSLayer or TileLayer

Emerging Contributor

@Sage_Wall  Thanks!

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