Test the Install Access the ArcGIS JavaScript library from your Web server using the following URL:http://<myserver>/arcgis_js_api/library/3.2/jsapi/init.js and http://<myserver>/arcgis_js_api/library/3.2/jsapicompact/init.js Change the ArcGIS Services Directory "View In JavaScript" URL. Instructions are given in "Configuring the REST API" in the ArcGIS Server REST SDK. On Windows, the location is <Installation Location>\DeveloperKit\Help\REST\index.html. On UNIX and Linux, the location is http://<myserver>:8399/<instance>/sdk/rest/index.html where myserver is your server name and instance is the instance name (jsapi is the default). Find the "JavaScript API" section for either .NET or Java for more information about parameter values. For .NET, the parameters to change in rest.config are <ArcGIS> and <ArcGISCSS>. Replace serverapi.arcgisonline.com with your server domain name. For Java, the parameters to change in rest-config.properties are jsapi.arcgis and jsapi.arcgis.css. Replace serverapi.arcgisonline.com with your server domain name. Test your install. You can use the following test code to validate your JSAPI library install.
why not just use the hosted CDN copy of our API?