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In attributeInspector/AttachmentEditor, can I change the dialog header?

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10-21-2015 07:35 AM
Honored Contributor

When I use the attributeInspector, in the section for attachments, can you change it to say something besides "Attachments"?

I'm curious if anyone has modified this to include a preview of the actual image.  I've added a div below it to show it, but ideally the image would be within the same attachmentEditor div, not tacked on below it.

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15 Replies
Esri Frequent Contributor

Did you try updating the text for widgets.attributeInspector.NLS_deleteFeature?

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Honored Contributor

I think that's what I'm doing in the line

esriBundle.widgets.attributeInspector.NLS_deleteFeature = "Delete Location";

There's always a possibility I have a typo!  But this didn't change it, the button still says Delete.  Since the entire atiButtons sections isn't displaying, I thought maybe the button this changes was within it. 

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Esri Frequent Contributor

Do you have a link to your app you can post?

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Honored Contributor

Yes, this is public facing:

Add Graphic by geocode

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Esri Frequent Contributor

You need to set the new text before creating the attribute inspector. So you'll want to move these lines above your code to create the new attribute inspector in myAttributeInspector.js.


  esriBundle.widgets.attachmentEditor.NLS_attachments = "Manage Image";

  esriBundle.widgets.attachmentEditor.NLS_add = "Upload Image"

  esriBundle.widgets.attributeInspector.NLS_deleteFeature = "Delete Location";

// = "Delete Location";

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Honored Contributor

That fixed it.  It didn't occur to me to move these, since the other 2 worked where they were.

Is it true that the navigation buttons are only going to be available when using select from within the Editor widget? Would they turn on with multiple features selected?  It seems like it should show anyway, but with the tools that aren't relevant for next, previous etc grayed out.

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