Identify Task Error: SCRIPT14: error -2147024882

08-30-2011 10:54 AM
New Contributor III
I'm getting this error ("SCRIPT14: error -2147024882") when the JavaScript identify task attempts to process data returned from my service. The problem seems to be related to the size of the data returned as identify tasks that return a smaller amount of data succeed.

Currently, a 1MB return data object works and a 1.33MB return data object fails. There appears to be little to no difference between the objects returned (at least that I can tell).

The errors appear to be limited to IE 9 - Chrome works just fine, as does Firefox.

I'm using the 2.4 version of the JavaScript library and v10 on the server.
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5 Replies
New Contributor

I have the same trouble, how ever, I'm using v2.6 of javascript.
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Frequent Contributor
Are you using a proxy? Can you post a repro case?
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New Contributor
Thanks for reply, I've the next testing page on and an image to show how it runs on Internet Explorer.


I'm not using a proxy.

Thank you!
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Frequent Contributor
Thanks for the link.

The first thing I recommend is to start using maxAllowableOffset on your feature layers. I wrote a blog post last year on this very topic:

I'm recommending this because I think your app is choking on the large responses. Using maxAllowableOffset will reduce the amount of data sent to the client and IE should perform much better and I would expect the errors your seeing to disappear.
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New Contributor
Thanks Derek for the answer, I'll try using maxAllowableOffset, I'm reading the post to improve the app.

Thank you.
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