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Identify Params Sublayers Not Being Sent

10-18-2022 08:33 AM
Occasional Contributor

JS API 4.24 - AGS 10.61 (on-site)

Trying to do an identify on a map service.  I only need to identify on four sublayers of the service, and, I am specifying definition expressions in the sublayers property.  However, the sublayers definition expressions are not being sent in the request.  I have tried many variations and combinations of identify parameters.  I can get it to send layerIds, but, never the sublayers, which contains my definition expressions.  I have not found any examples which send sublayers.  Nor have I found any posts on this site that discuss sublayers and how to send them appropriately using IdentfyParams.  Any help appreciated.

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Honored Contributor

Do you have a sample/repro in codepen maybe? Here is a sample using Sublayers with Identify

It's important to note that you can send sublayers or layerIds, but not both.