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i want to draw vector paths on the the google map with javascript ?

05-17-2012 04:12 AM
New Contributor
i want to draw vector paths on the the google map on my site that I want to add moving vehicles on the roads and i want to zoom the map

when the cars going somewhere. Can I do it? I do not want to take a screenshot of the google map adress. here is my javascript codes.Do

you have an idea about google map zooming with animations?

var options = {
    controls: {
        panControl: true,
        zoomControl: true,
        mapTypeControl: true,
        scaleControl: true,
        streetViewControl: true,
        overviewMapControl: true
    scrollwheel: true,
    maptype: 'TERRAIN',
    markers: [
            latitude: -2.2014,
            longitude: -80.9763,
            address: "Guayaquil, Ecuador",
            html: "My Hometown",
            icon: {
                image: "images/gmap_pin_grey.png",
                iconsize: [26, 46],
                iconanchor: [12,46]
    icon: {
        image: "",
        iconsize: [37, 34],
        shadowsize: [37, 34],
        iconanchor: [9, 34],
        shadowanchor: [19, 34]
    latitude: -2.282,
    longitude: -80.272,
    zoom: 10
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