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How to update feature layer popup content when data is updated/Modified

01-24-2022 02:55 AM
Regular Contributor

Hello Team,

In our project we are creating a feature layer from JSON data which is coming from 3rd party service. In every 5-10 seconds data fetching from 3rd party service and performing apply edits for the feature layer.

On the map popup is opened for some point feature and for that point, data are updated/modified.

Question - Without re-open the popup how to display updated feature data in the popup.

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2 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor

You can programmatically open the popup again rather than relying on the user to click the feature.

Popup | API Reference | ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.22 | ArcGIS Developer

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Regular Contributor

Thank you BlakeTerhune.

We don't want to re-open popup as it will show as a flicker effect for the user and we are fetching data in every 5-10 seconds, as some data are modified so frequently. 

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