I am using ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.13 and I cannot get the date formatted in my PopupTemplate. Attached are screenshots of what the popups look like when using date format and without. Here is the code:
var tplRoadRestriction = {
// autocasts as new PopupTemplate()
title: "Road Name: {RoadName}",
"<br/><b>Road Number:</b> {RoadNumber}" +
"<br/><b>From Desc:</b> {FromDesc}" +
"<br/><b>To Desc:</b> {ToDesc}" +
"<br/><b>From Milepost:</b> {FromMP}" +
"<br/><b>To Milepost:</b> {ToMP}" +
"<br/><b>District:</b> {District}" +
"<br/><b>Date On:</b> {DateOn}" +
"<br/><b>Date Off:</b> {DateOff}" +
"<br/><b>Restriction:</b> {Restriction}",
autoCloseEnabled: true
var tplRoadRestriction = new PopupTemplate({
// autocasts as new PopupTemplate()
title: "Road Name: {RoadName}",
outFields: ["*"],
content: [{
// It is also possible to set the fieldInfos outside of the content
// directly in the popupTemplate. If no fieldInfos is specifically set
// in the content, it defaults to whatever may be set within the popupTemplate.
type: "fields",
fieldInfos: [{
fieldName: "RoadNumber",
label: "Road Number"
}, {
fieldName: "FromDesc",
label: "From Desc:"
}, {
fieldName: "ToDesc",
label: "To Desc:"
}, {
fieldName: "FromMP",
label: "From Milepost:"
}, {
fieldName: "ToMP",
label: "To Milepost:"
}, {
fieldName: "District",
label: "District:"
}, {
fieldName: "DateOn",
label: "Date On:",
format: {
dateFormat: 'shortDateShortTime'
}, {
fieldName: "DateOff",
label: "Date Off:",
format: {
dateFormat: 'shortDateShortTime'
}, {
fieldName: "Restriction",
label: "Restriction:"
Solved! Go to Solution.
The date that is represented is in epoch. You may need to convert it to Date format. You can use one of the below and try to convert it.
new Date(feature.graphic.attributes.DATE_TO);
Math.round (new Date().getTime() / 1000);
The date that is represented is in epoch. You may need to convert it to Date format. You can use one of the below and try to convert it.
new Date(feature.graphic.attributes.DATE_TO);
Math.round (new Date().getTime() / 1000);
Thanks Manish,
Here is my code implementing your solution. Note I formatted the date using getMonth() + 1, getDate() + 1, and getFullYear():
var tplRoadRestriction = {
// autocasts as new PopupTemplate()
title: "Road Name: {RoadName}",
outFields: ["*"],
content: myContent,
fieldInfos: [{
fieldName: "RoadNumber",
label: "Road Number"
}, {
fieldName: "FromDesc",
label: "From Desc:"
}, {
fieldName: "ToDesc",
label: "To Desc:"
}, {
fieldName: "FromMP",
label: "From Milepost:",
format: {
digitSeparator: true,
places: 2
}, {
fieldName: "ToMP",
label: "To Milepost:",
format: {
digitSeparator: true,
places: 2
}, {
fieldName: "District",
label: "District:"
}, {
fieldName: "DateOn",
label: "Date On:"
}, {
fieldName: "DateOff",
label: "Date Off:"
}, {
fieldName: "Restriction",
label: "Restriction:"
function myContent(feature) {
var div = document.createElement("div");
var myDateOn = new Date(feature.graphic.attributes.DateOn);
var myDateOnFormat = (myDateOn.getMonth() + 1) + '/' + (parseInt(myDateOn.getDate() + 1)) + '/' + myDateOn.getFullYear();
var myDateOff = new Date(feature.graphic.attributes.DateOff);
// if NULL date, set to spaces
if (myDateOff.getFullYear() < 1970) {
var myDateOffFormat = "";
else {
myDateOffFormat = (myDateOff.getMonth() + 1) + '/' + (parseInt(myDateOff.getDate()) + 1) + '/' + myDateOff.getFullYear();
div.innerHTML =
"<br/><b>Road Number:</b> " + feature.graphic.attributes.RoadNumber +
"<br/><b>From Desc:</b> " + feature.graphic.attributes.FromDesc +
"<br/><b>To Desc:</b> " + feature.graphic.attributes.ToDesc +
"<br/><b>From Milepost:</b> " + feature.graphic.attributes.FromMP +
"<br/><b>To Milepost:</b> " + feature.graphic.attributes.ToMP +
"<br/><b>District:</b> " + feature.graphic.attributes.District +
"<br/><b>Date On:</b> " + myDateOnFormat +
"<br/><b>Date Off:</b> " + myDateOffFormat +
"<br/><b>Restriction:</b> " + feature.graphic.attributes.Restriction
return div;
tplRoadRestriction using the code above:
tplRoadRestriction using only the new Date(). Note how the Date On date is one day off, and the Date Off is NULL but shows as year 1899.
I just needed to change the dateFormat from 'shortDateShortTiem' to 'short-date' as shown here:
fieldName: "DateInstalled",
label: "Date Installed:",
visible: true,
format: {
dateFormat: 'short-date'