How to correct displacement between ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer and Bing Map

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01-23-2013 12:47 AM
New Contributor III
Hello, could you help me to combine to layers?

Background is esri.virtualearth.VETiledLayer.MAP_STYLE_AERIAL

Red lines are from esri.layers.ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer("""");

Backround shifts approximattely 4.6 meters to north and 2.7 meters to east

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1 Solution

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New Contributor III
veTileLayer.tileInfo.Origin.X -= 5; // shift Bing layer for 5 meters to left

View solution in original post

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10 Replies
Frequent Contributor
since both layers are published in web mercator (wkid:102100), its too late to correct their current alignment.  you would have to make changes to the published service (probably with regard to the datum transformation) in order to acheive higher accuracy.

what was the original projection of the data you are using for boundaries in your own service?
what transformation method was used when reprojecting to Web Mercator?
where (city/country) is your screenshot located?
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New Contributor III
what was the original projection of the data you are using for boundaries in your own service?
what transformation method was used when reprojecting to Web Mercator?

We work with local coordinate system, called SK-32. I heard, that it was build on Bessel ellipsoid, but i dont know what it means. is goverment service.
Hope that is the information, you asked for.

where (city/country) is your screenshot located?
Russia, Bryansk
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Frequent Contributor
well... its definitely too late to try and correct misalignment after both services are published in Web Mercator (WKID:102100).  in order to troubleshoot it will be necessary to identify which datum transformation was applied when reprojecting out of the local coordinate system and see if there is a more appropriate choice.
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New Contributor III
So, only map service owner can correct it, it's not possible to do it with javascript API, did i understand you correctly?
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Frequent Contributor
correct.  Our API does not give you the ability to manipulate the alignment of two services published in an identical coordinate system.
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New Contributor III
Solved problem by changing VETiledLayer's origin.
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Frequent Contributor
awesome fix! 

i dont see any properties or methods in our API for VETiledLayer related to origin.  would you be able to explain in a little more detail how you made the change?
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New Contributor III
veTileLayer.tileInfo.Origin.X -= 5; // shift Bing layer for 5 meters to left
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Frequent Contributor
very cool.  thanks for taking the time to explain in detail.
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