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How to connect a web application (javascript) to a arcgis service in my own server

01-28-2014 03:00 AM
New Contributor
Hi i am new here, and i have some questions.

My case is: I have the Arcgis server in my internet server and there i have published some arcgis services, i want to create a web application that connects to the arcgis services, but looking in the samples i only see examples how the web applications connects maps in, how my web application connect to my arcgis sevices.

TKS. (sorry about my english)

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3 Replies
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Please this link for more details (Contains steps with detail explanation)
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I would not call myself a developer but I have a handful of Flex Web Mapping applications.  I have enabled mobile web maps using the canned ESRI local government parcel viewer javascript template.  Everything works.  However like the previous poster, it appears that and by all accounts this is set up so it will only run using and the webmap ID that is created when a web map is created using services.  One issue is that it is a requirement when using this template that your web maps be Public.  This doesn't work.  I have an entire AGS10 system up and running and I am putting out rest services and web maps from my own server.  I really want to not be stuck in the world.  This webmap ID is placed in the parcelviewer.json file and somehow points back to the web map.  My gut tells me that there has to be a way to bypass this entire environment.  I don't want to spend a bunch of time learning javascript right now.  Does anyone have any insight on how to migrate all of this jquery mobile stuff in house??  Thank you.
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sometimes the javascript client will only work with a webmapid which is requesting from portal to send a definition for a webmap components like layers, extents and bookmarks.

you can also use cartoview to return a web map

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