I tried to revive this thread below but to no luck. Rene has helped me quite a bit but I'm stuck getting values out of a promise statement that puts values into an array.
Previous Post: https://community.esri.com/t5/arcgis-api-for-javascript-questions/executing-a-series-of-queries-insi...
My code hits the swiftly API to get a list of closed bus stops. This list of stops does not include a lat / lon value so what I do is then query the closedStop Feature class using the bus stop ID from the API in order t join these two results together. I then have an array "RESULTS" but can't get into the promise. I can see the values (see attached image array.png). Just not sure how to get those out of the array.
Input is greatly appreciated.
BTNelement.addEventListener('click', function(evt){
view.graphics.removeAll(); // Clears all graphics before placing new updated ones onto the view
var settings = {
"url": 'https://api.goswift.ly/',
"method": "GET",
"timeout": 0,
"headers": {
"Authorization": "",
"Content-Type": "application/json"
$.ajax(settings).done(function (response) {
console.log("Number of Closed Stops: " + response.adjustments.length);
async function loadData(response) {
var i = 0;
const queryPromises = response.adjustments.map((data) => {
// parse data for query
const query = new Query();
var queryValue = "Id = " + data.details.stopIds;
query.where = queryValue;
query.outFields = ["*"];
query.returnGeometry = false;
apiStopNumber = data.details.stopIds;
routeAffected = data.details.routesAffected;
notes = data.notes;
reason = data.reason;
return [ClosedBusStops.queryFeatures(query), routeAffected, notes, reason, apiStopNumber];
const resultsArray = await Promise.allSettled(queryPromises);
// you now have an array of arrays for results, you can flatten them
const results = resultsArray.flat();
// now you can create the graphics from the results
function doStuff(results){
Solved! Go to Solution.
$.ajax(settings).done(function (response) {
//console.log("Number of Closed Stops: " + response.adjustments.length);
async function loadData(response) {
var xValue = 0;
var yValue = 0;
const queryPromises = response.adjustments.map((response) => {
const apiStopNumber = response.details.stopIds;
const routeAffected = response.details.routesAffected;
const notes = response.notes;
const reason = response.reason;
var pictureSymbol = {
type: "picture-marker",
height: 20,
width: 20
let query = ClosedBusStops.createQuery();
query.where = "Id = " + apiStopNumber;
query.outFields = ["Xcoord, Ycoord"];
query.returnGeometry = false;
.then(function(queryResponse) {
if (queryResponse.features.length !== 0) {
xValue = queryResponse.features[0].attributes.Xcoord;
yValue = queryResponse.features[0].attributes.Ycoord;
const busStop = new Point({
type: "point",
longitude: xValue,
latitude: yValue,
wkid: 4326
popupClosedBusStops = {
title: "Bus Stop: " + apiStopNumber,
content:"<b>Route(s) Impacted: </b>" + routeAffected + "<br/>" +
"<b>Notes: </b>" + notes + "<br/>" +
"<b>Reason: </b>" + reason
const busStopGraphic = new Graphic ({
geometry: busStop,
symbol: pictureSymbol,
popupTemplate: popupClosedBusStops
//console.log("Inactive Stop")
}; // End of async function loadData
}); // End of Ajax Call
Please see the Issue.png file. Perhaps I'm going about this wrong. My issue is accessing the lat/lon within the results I get back. I can get say the Bus Stop number using results[0].value[1]. However, it's when I try to get values from within the ResultsPromise that I can't seem to figure out. The Issue.png shows the lat/lon but I can't put together how to get that data, i.e. results[0].[0].PromiseResults.features[0].attributes.Xcoord and subsequently results[0].[0].PromiseResults.features[0].attributes.Ycoord.
Still hoping someone can chime in on how to get the variables in the issue.png file I show above. The values in the Promise I'm not sure how to access. Thank you.
$.ajax(settings).done(function (response) {
//console.log("Number of Closed Stops: " + response.adjustments.length);
async function loadData(response) {
var xValue = 0;
var yValue = 0;
const queryPromises = response.adjustments.map((response) => {
const apiStopNumber = response.details.stopIds;
const routeAffected = response.details.routesAffected;
const notes = response.notes;
const reason = response.reason;
var pictureSymbol = {
type: "picture-marker",
height: 20,
width: 20
let query = ClosedBusStops.createQuery();
query.where = "Id = " + apiStopNumber;
query.outFields = ["Xcoord, Ycoord"];
query.returnGeometry = false;
.then(function(queryResponse) {
if (queryResponse.features.length !== 0) {
xValue = queryResponse.features[0].attributes.Xcoord;
yValue = queryResponse.features[0].attributes.Ycoord;
const busStop = new Point({
type: "point",
longitude: xValue,
latitude: yValue,
wkid: 4326
popupClosedBusStops = {
title: "Bus Stop: " + apiStopNumber,
content:"<b>Route(s) Impacted: </b>" + routeAffected + "<br/>" +
"<b>Notes: </b>" + notes + "<br/>" +
"<b>Reason: </b>" + reason
const busStopGraphic = new Graphic ({
geometry: busStop,
symbol: pictureSymbol,
popupTemplate: popupClosedBusStops
//console.log("Inactive Stop")
}; // End of async function loadData
}); // End of Ajax Call